A review by saroz162
The Highlanders by Gerry Davis


This is a perfectly enjoyable mid-range Target novelization, probably slightly elevated by Anneke Wills' very effective audiobook reading.

It's interesting that when I was a kid, this book stood out to me as being particularly good, and as an adult I can't really tell what it is that would have made me judge it so. My guess is that it was simply more detailed than many of the later Terrance Dicks books, and that it told a largely unfamiliar story: I had cassettes of the fan-traded soundtracks of "The Highlanders," but of course it was only possible to discern so much without a narrator or scene-by-scene description.

This book provided the information I was looking for and made it into an entertaining little narrative without any substantive modifications; for an 11-year-old, that was plenty. For an adult, it passes the time admirably enough while folding laundry or doing other light chores. There are other, better options, though, if you want a really cracking Target adventure with the Second Doctor.