A review by danlewisfw
Utopia PR by Adam Bender


First of all I want to thank NetGalley for allowing me to listen to this audiobook in advance in exchange for a honest review.

Quite a few years ago I was on a trip to Florida with my family and we picked up Little Green Men by Christopher Buckley, it was a hilarious political satire book and until I listened to Utopia PR by Adam Bender I had not seen or maybe I should say heard its equal. Utopia PR is hilarious and fascinating, it does a good job of both satirizing and skewering politics and PR men and women. If you enjoy political satire at all you should grab this book, its really entertaining. Even if you have not read any political satire and just enjoy a good story and maybe a little dark humor then this book will tickle your fancy as it did mine. It reminded me a lot of Christopher Moore's books as well in just how well written it was.

I am definitely going to be looking into Adam Bender and the other books he has written after reading this. I never do spoilers in any reviews I do so what I am about to say about it is pretty much right at the start of the book. The main character is a PR guy working for a over the top crazy president of the United States who walks himself into quite a few PR problems. The solutions he and his team come up with are both a cynical look at public relations strategies and a great over the top satire of them.

I want to add that the narrator did a fantastic job as well!

#netgalley #satire #humor