A review by powersthatbe
Adorkable by Sarra Manning


I really loved this book! I think what this book really excelled at was creating really real teenage characters. The way they acted, the way they thought, the things they felt were just so very real to me. And maybe it's because I felt like I was Jeane Smith in high school. In that, when you are an outcast, sometimes the best thing to do is embrace it. Unfortunately, sometimes that can lead to a lot of pretentious entitlement and in trying so hard to be different, you lose who you really are, which I think is the case with Jeane Smith. She is a very flawed yet likable character... because she is flawed. The romance between her and Michael didn't at all seem forced and the two had really good chemistry. Sometimes they can't stand each other and they argue constantly but it's clear that their relationship is helping both of them grow and I think it's really endearing. The book wasn't perfect and it had it's flaws but overall I think the author told a very charming story about two very opposite people and how they can bring out the best in each other.