A review by melmasian
Twin Peaks: The Final Dossier by Mark Frost


This was a nice addendum to the previous book and to The Return as a whole. It gives some nice closure to some of the plot lines of the original that The Return didn't address at all (notably Donna and the Haywards, Annie, and filling in some of the blanks in Audrey's life). While I think it still leaves a lot of the Return up to the reader/viewer's interpretation, I think the biggest flaw of the book is that it does go a bit too far in providing answers to questions about the series that I believe are best left unaddressed. Still, that's not a huge deal, especially since I don't believe it's meant to be canon anyways. It's well-written, and the point-of-view actually made me appreciate Tammy more as a character, so it gets 4 stars from me.