A review by lisadee
Beach Season by Lisa Jackson, Holly Chamberlin, Cathy Lamb


Collections of novellas are great for dipping in and out of between books and this seems like a light, enjoyable collection to read during the last weeks of summer. In general these are stories about summer, love and second chances at happiness.
The first story, June's lace was laugh out loud funny at times, sweet and mushy at others. I loved the quirky characters (June's flower child, Scottish family). Even June's inner voice (annoying in some other books that will remain nameless) was funny rather than awkward. The only part of this story I didn't enjoy was the merging of time and place within the story. June would be in one place or in her own thoughts and suddenly with only a new paragraph to mark the switch she is somewhere else. A little extra space between paragraph or something to mark the switch would have been nice.

The second story almost bored me into DNF status. The tension built but was too easily and suddenly resolved. It was just a little turmoil meant to carry the story from one place to another.

Story 3: Carolina Summer had everything it needed for a good story. The characters were interesting, their chemistry perfect. The plot built well with the conflict rising, if a little rushed because it was a novella.....but then the end had quite a few unbelievable points that made it just feel like the story had to be wrapped up quickly while sacrificing the story.

Story 4: The Brass Ring. Boredom strikes again! This story seemed the break the mold of the similar stories that came before. That might be a good thing if I felt drawn in by the characters, but they seemed bland.