A review by pippajay
Ignition Point, by Kate Corcino


What I liked:

Ward - 4*. I loved seeing this peek into the early lives of two main characters from Spark Rising, but I think it might read better for those who've read the novel already. It explains the history behind their quest for a better world.

Blood and Water - 5*. Even though I got a terrible sense of where this was going, it still didn't ease the real gut punch of an ending. This little short will leave you chilled, but shows how easy it is for someone to be emotionally manipulated into actions that they may have thought themselves incapable of, and of how we can even mislead ourselves.

Ghost Story - 5*. I loved seeing a snippet of Lena's live before Spark Rising, and really this is the best intro to SR if you read IP first.

What I didn't like:

Ward - the main character referred to his tragic recent past just a little too often and I lost some of my sympathy simply from the repetition. In a short story it really didn't need it.

Blood and Water - nothing to criticize.

Ghost Story - again, I really don't have anything bad to say about it.

In conclusion:

If you love apocalyptic/dystopian fiction with a punch, but are looking for something with a new twist, this is for you and gives you a brief introduction into the world explored more fully in Spark Rising (although I'm tempted to say read SR before IP). This may be something for fans of the TV series The 100, or Dan Wells's Partials books. Quick, easy reads that will leave you thinking afterward. I loved these three little bonus stories showing more of the same world as Spark Rising, especially in terms of Alex and Lena. It explains so much of their characters in the follow-on novel.