A review by jokoloyo
Superman: Earth One, Volume 3 by J. Michael Straczynski


I rated this comic book based on the content, not because the penciller, just for your info.

I had purchased this book from a GR friend only a few days before I noticed about the X-Men Gold #1 Controversy. To be honest, if I choose a comic based on the contributors, I check who is the writer, not the penciller. So, it was a coincidence.

Now the review:
I never read Superman Earth One before. So, I was surprised with some new changes in this version of Superman. Especially I like the new lover of Superman, Lisa. And I agree with other reviews, the personal life of Clark Kent is the fascinating part of this volume. (Well, personally I am afraid a villain, maybe Alexa, will kill Lisa and made Clark an even darker person in this already a gloomy Superman). In general, I like the more human Clark/Superman.
SpoilerHe pissed off at UN was a nice twist.

But I don't like the Luthors, especially the twist, I felt it was really forced.
Spoiler If Luthors are intellect people, how Alexa could not see the obvious that Zod was the one who killed Lex, and all this mess was caused by Earth's government and Zod? I don't buy it Alexa feel mad at Superman.
It was a shame actually, if it was a better twist, it could become my fav Luthors.