A review by gobblebook
Cross Dressing by Bill Fitzhugh


Dan is a scumbag advertising agent who is more concerned with acquiring wealth and getting laid than with taking care of his senile mother or doing good in the world. Then, his twin brother and Catholic priest Michael arrives back from a mission in Africa. Some greed-inspired hijinks ensue, and when Michael dies, Dan assumes his identity and goes to work in an impoverished care facility run by a nun. Ultimately, this book is silly and funny and entertaining. But there were some things about it that I found off-putting. The biggest problem is that it turns out to be a "boy gets girl" story, even though the boy is a priest and the girl is a nun. Not every story needs to end with a sexual relationship. Even though the book makes fun of movies like Pretty Woman for romanticizing prostitution, it also views sex work through rose-colored glasses. All in all, reasonably entertaining, but certainly not fine literature.