A review by blackbibliophile
The Bone Conjurer by Michael Hauf, Alex Archer


What I Hated:
· I know that Alex Archer is a pseudonym that several writers use to contribute to the Rogue Angel series. Unlike in the previous installments in this series, Annja was VERY needy and consistently harping on being with a man or in the arms of a man or going home to be with a man to make her feel better. The Annja in this installment is NOT consistent with how she’s been presented in the 23 other installments that preceded ‘The Bone Conjurer’. I know that each writer has their own style, but is it too much to ask for the writers to keep Annja’s character consistent for the sake of the series?
· After so many installments, HOW is Annja still doubting the sword, its impact on her life, and anything supernatural? At the end of this installment, Annja had the audacity to state, “I try to believe in what is shown to me.” I call BS on that, because throughout this entire installment she lacked belief in the sword and the powers of the Skull of Sidon. Again, this points to an inconsistency between the various authors of this series. Here’s a clue for the publisher, if you’re going to get new writers on board, at least make sure they maintain the integrity of the character that was previously established and helped to make the series great. It feels like the author of ‘The Bone Conjurer’ did not read the previous installments and just did whatever they felt like doing with Annja.
· The writing in this installment wasn’t as compelling as in previous installments. It was very basic and detracted from the overall story; a story that was great, but the execution was terrible. The simple writing style adopted for this installment detracted from its entertaining qualities.
· The editing. This installment was riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. I HATE when I have to spend too much time trying to figure out what the author was trying to say. This helped to contribute to the less than fantastic writing style adopted by the author of this installment.

What I Loved:
· I was happy to see Garin and Roux back in the picture. Annja, Garin, and Roux are tied to the sword, and thereby each other, so I feel the stories are more compelling when they are all involved.

Overall I was NOT impressed with this installment. This installment was so disjointed from the others that preceded it and I’m disappointed because it doesn’t feel like it’s the same series. Are the publishers so desperate that they just adopted a lax attitude towards the character consistency, grammar, and spelling and just don’t care about the integrity of what once was a great series? I will read another installment in this series and hope that it gets back to its former greatness, if not, you’ve lost a loyal reader to this series.