A review by abeth_parker
Jane Slayre by Sherri Browning Erwin, Charlotte Brontë


Jane Eyre is one of my top favorite books, and I defend it always . But, I liked Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, so I decided to give Jane Slayre a try.
It is very true to the original story, often including direct quotes from the book. Charlotte Bronte is listed as one of the authors, so appropriate recognition is given.
I think Jane Eyre is considered to be a strong literary woman. She is her own person and stays true to that. This is also true of Jane Slayre. Once she is trained to fight vampires and zombies, she spends the rest of the book with a stake on her person at all times. She even saves Mr. Rochester from an unhappy end on several occasions.
I think there are some plot holes. The one that stood out the most is the Reeds. In this story, the Reeds are vampires, and their house guests "check in but never leave". It seems that word would get around that people disappear at Gateshead.
I enjoyed this supernatural take on a classic novel. It didn't take away from the heart of the story, or get so gruesome that it was gratuitous.