A review by emilylovesbooks94
Playing Offside by Jax Calder


I wasn't sure I was going to like this story when I started it, but Aiden and Tyler grew on me as I kept reading. Theirs wasn't a romance I was expecting, and honestly at the beginning I wasn't even sure I liked their personalities. Their initial hookups were steamy, sure, but lacked the emotional depth I was hoping for. As time passed and Aiden and Tyler were forced to stay in each other's orbits, I did enjoy the way their relationship progressed from strictly physical to something deeper. The moments when Aiden shed his Ice King persona and Tyler revealed his fears and insecurities made me connect with the two of them more, and as I did, the idea of their romance didn't seem so bad. These men had a surprising amount of baggage from their past, and as sweet as it was to watch them fall in love, I was even more invested in seeing their individual character growth. I knew at some point Aiden and Tyler would have to make a choice about staying in the closet or outing themselves to the world, but I wasn't expecting the heart-pounding drama that forced their hands. Thankfully everything turned out okay without too much heartbreak, but for a minute there I was seriously worried that their love wouldn't be enough to save them.

**I voluntarily read an ARC of this book. This review expresses my honest thoughts and opinions.