A review by bonecarvdweaver
The Luxorian Fugitive by J. Alan Veerkamp


Thank you to NetGalley for giving me this ARC to read.

Unfortunately, I have nothing good to say about this book.

This is a book I, surprisingly, DNF'd at 5%.

This book was a terribly written fanfiction. The cover was appealing and so was the idea of the story, but within the first few pages, you get a good idea of where this is going. And then, well, it gets worse.

We meet our protagonist who is a chief to a commander on a spaceship heading to God knows where in this story. We begin to feel the world building and a look into our character who is suffering from PTSD.

This book blows immediately when a few pages in, our character decides to use his pent-up frustration and fear from his nightmares to participate in BDSM. We are immediately thrust into the point of view of the Commander who is the one who uses a "BDSM Technique" to help our MC, which I might say is a terrible way to cure or treat PTSD at all!

It was astonishingly disgusting that it was worded the way it was. Just the way that the secondary character spoke towards the victim of PTSD was disturbing and wrong. Second of all, he first responds to our main character negatively saying, "You deserve this, this does not make up for all those lives you too" and then proceeds to say, "This will make you better."

As someone who deals with trauma every day, I can say that engaging in harmful sexual behaviors is not positive or enforcing treatment on someone with this background. The character himself is in a desperate situation and is seeking comfort and possibly intimate relations, but I hardly think that BDSM is important or well written in any shape or form. I could not finish reading this for the life of me. I really don't think this needs to be read by anyone, ever. A major let down.