A review by missjackieoh
Nika by D.H. Gibbs


Nika was a bit of a surprise. I felt very wishy washy in my feelings for this book, until I reminded myself that this was basically a teaser.

I think what I enjoyed the most about this book was my surprising acceptance of the characters by the end. Although I still feel that too much was packed into such a short story. I was a little confused about some of the back story, and the jumping through time was slightly irksome. There were times when I didn’t feel that some reactions were believable. However, all in all, I think it came together fairly well in the end. I was definitely intrigued by the ending. I can’t help but feel the need to know what is happening to Nika!

Unfortunately, the grammer really made it a little difficult for me to fully immerse myself. I realize that these are supposed to be more modern characters, but I was thrown by the common text abbreviations in sentences said by characters, such as WTF; but this is definitely a personal preference. It is just not something I really understand.

I wasn’t very convinced in the beginning, but it claimed my attention in the end. Very quick read, just a taste of what the author and the story have to offer.

Happy Reading
