A review by courtney_saba
When The Grave Calls by B.L. Brunnemer


I'm sorry. WTF was this lmao

********Spoilers incoming********

- it was way too short.
- the 2ish smut scenes were good, but 2 of our guys didn't get any sexy time. The fuck?
- my fave, Miles, didn't get sexy times, and his character was so off in this one. WTF BL Brunnemer?!
- who the fuck is Eric lol and Jake? This villain duo makes no goddamn sense. Jake and his friend group and Dylan all go to another school. Eric goes to Alexis's school. How the fuck do they know each well enough to take over the Veil over a friend's dad dying of cancer? I mean, I'm flabbergasted at this point. I had to scoue the internet and reviews and comments on Goodreads to figure out why Eric is bc I forgot all about him bc of how insignificant he was! Also, how did Eric learn to do the things he did when his mom (a witch) left and didn't teach him anything? And yet he was smart enough as a 17 year old to infiltrate the Veil and do the things he did? Give me a break lol
- the romance was severely lacking.
- I dont give a fuck about Jess and Tara. I get it, the author hates women for some reason. And so these girls needed a redemption arc. But in an already short book, I didn't need to have their POVs thrown in.
- Jadis and the team of demon-possessed witches was ridiculous. Those witches sacrificed their souls for what freaking reason?! No demon would give up a willing host and soul after the "war," so WTF and why lol
- the war was pathetic. Our group didn't even fight, for the most part.
- Death was like, "nah, they stay dead." I VOLUNTEER AS REAPER WHEN I DIE - Alexis. And Death was like, "okay!" As if this was what he'd wanted his whole existence. No, I'm sorry, Alexis agreeing to become a Reaper when it basically was already a given when she dies is no boon to Death.
- Why did they all continue in high school when they all could've gotten their GEDs and said fuck off to the vice principal ? Not to mention Miles is rich. They'll be okay.
- also, a vice principal having that much power - suspension for a month?! That's like illegal, I'm sure, and where was the actual principal in all this? I haven't been back in high school for 10 years, but I'm pretty sure the "vice" in vice principal means position under the principal. I'm flabbergasted.
- Ethan being a Phoenix was a letdown. Just let him be a dragon. We all thought it. It was just so he could wake back up at the end and hug Alexis while the rest of the guys were cold bodies.
- the Riley tangent was ridiculous. Why would an older Master Vampire like Samuel go back to a nest he purposely left to keep an eye on a stupidly minor character like Riley who was already on the outs with Alexis bc she was a close-minded prude about the RH?! Why why why?! This tangent meant nothing to the plot. Unless BL decides to make a spin-off, but now I hope not bc Riley is not compelling at all lol I would love a vampire spin-off with Samuel (yummy), but I just cant wrap my head around him going back undercover in a cruel nest with a cruel Master just to keep an eye on an insignificant human he doesnt even know without getting absolutely 100s of favors from Alexis. "No, she's saving the world, that's enough." But it isn't!
- Eric being killed justifiably by Evelyn at the end and her saying why she killed him and Alexis is like, "yeah, but still," is the most childish thing I've ever read. HE KILLED HUNDREDS OR THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND GHOSTS AND WOULD'VE KILLED THE WORLD FOR A FRIEND'S DAD. HE DESERVES IT JESUS CHRIST.

*******End Spoilers*******

Okay, after my rant above, I'm completely flabbergasted as to why the author decided to go this route. Other readers say it's bc she had a deadline or needed to finish this series quickly. But she completely ruined the finale of this series. Like how rude is that to her devoted fans who have stuck with her and enjoyed her series for years. Idk what happened to this book, but I think BL fucked up big time.

Happy reading, Goodreads fiends.