A review by pattymac
The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed by Jessica Lahey


I waffled back and forth on this rating a great deal. Definitely worth a read (or maybe better yet a listen via audio - if you tend to want to skim or get the gist), but I might warn that the info or advice might seem a tad redundant sometimes, or drift into the realm of "here's how parents can / should better interact with teachers".
This is still good stuff undoubtedly, and comes from the authors experience, which I appreciate and admire, but I often found myself wishing I could know when we would finish another "... and your children's teacher(s)..." missive, and get back to more focused input on parent and child.
I appreciated greatly the authors reference to other resources, from Dweck to Erickson to interviews and experience with teachers and parents, as well as her own experience, but I just felt maybe that this could have been tightened a bit, and maybe a second book dedicated to "managing your child's village" the teachers and caregivers and related's in a way to support the central theme of helping kids develop autonomy.