A review by noreadingdegree
Me Sexy: An Exploration of Native Sex and Sexuality by Marius P. Tungilik, Marissa Crazytrain, Tomson Highway, Lee Maracle, Makka Kleist, Michelle McGeough, Kateri Akiwenzie-Damm, Daniel Heath Justice, Norman Vorano, Drew Hayden Taylor, Gregory Scofield, Joseph Boyden, Nancy Cooper


Oh my! I went into this with zero expectations and I just loved this. Yes, I was quite bummed when I realized that this is a collection of essay, but that feeling quickly went away. Were there some dud essays? Sure. Well, maybe "dud" isn't the right word. Uninteresting would work better because you are never going to be able to make an essay about art exciting to me. Even art with enormous penises didn't excite me. With that being said, 1/3 of the essays absolutely blew me away. I will list my favorites w/ a brief summary down below so you know a little more of what to expect.

My favorite essays
1. Why Cree is the Sexiest of All Languages by Tomson Highway (5/5 stars) Main discussion is why are words like tit and ass terrifying in English, but hysterical in Cree? This is probably my favorite one because this essay made me realize my fundamental issues w/ Christianity.
2. Indian Call Love by Drew Hayden Taylor (5/5) OMG this one was hilarious! This one discusses how Native American's sexuality has been exploited by Eurocentric fantasies (esp in the romance genre).
3. Pre Christian Inuit Sexuality by Makka Kleist (5/5 stars) The title is self-explanatory.
4. Why Cree is the Sexiest of All Languages by Tomson Highway (5/5 stars) Main discussion is why are words like tit and ass terrifying in English, but hysterical in Cree?
5. First Wives Club by Lee Maracle (4/5 stars) Discussion of what is sexy in the Salish culture and how morality and sexuality are intertwined w/ one another.