A review by mrose21
Chosen by Grace by Alicia Rades

Did not finish book.
DNF @ 72%

I'm not writing a proper review in the format I usually do because I just can't be bothered.

I really tried hard to read this book but this book is sadly further proof to myself that YA is no longer suitable for me.

I've said this before but I'll say it again, why do YA authors make their female leads appear so weak? We get the usual spiel of they are super special sparkly heros but they rely on a male to help them up. Why? If she is so super duper why isn't she enough without the love interest? Fine have a side line for that but just always seems to be saving her, although once she sort of saved him. Sort of.

The story was slightly interesting and I was curious about the whole demons not called demons and angels not called angels, and the whole realm and magic etc but this was hard to read and I didn't find myself wanting to keep reading, there are better YA books that have a similar story lines.