A review by bookmaniacforever
Bad Cruz by L.J. Shen


Bad Cruz had been on my TBR for far too long so I finally decided to listen to the audiobook. I truly loved this story and it was so much more than what I expected. I love a good rivalry between the lead characters so Tennessee and Cruz’s relationship had the perfect start for me.

Tennessee always pretended to not care about all the judgements and assumptions made about her from all the people in her small town, but at times it was just too much and her facade just cracked. I enjoyed witnessing these moments were she showed her fragile side. She only tried to provide for his son in the best way and it was clear she’d do anything for him. Cruz was also judgmental about her, but under all his hate he hid a heart of gold filled with unrequited feelings and years of pining of her. I really love how their relationship developed. It was difficult for Tennessee to own her new choices completely, but I admired her growth.

The narration of this audiobook was amazing. Both narrators did a great job personifying Cruz and Tennessee. I laughed, smiled, swooned and hurt listening to their rendition of an amazing love story!