A review by ambernh1984
Keep Paris by Kelly Kay


Starting with the negative.

PLEASE get a new editor. There were SO many grammatical errors, spelling errors etc even within the first few pages, I wanted to give up. It was very distracting, and lasted the entire book.

The first chunk of this book was annoying as hell. I understand Danny and Lizzie were high schoolers but it just droned on, and I was overly annoyed by the "oh my god I'm so obsessed with him/her" and their talk of kissing. It was written like someone in high school wrote that section, it wasn't good.

Once they were adults it was much better. I enjoyed who they became, sarcastic, funny, quick etc. The whole playing as enemies when they were actually each other's love was cute.

What wasn't cute in this section was the amount of times they referred to their genitals in the third person.