A review by chllybrd
Drink, Slay, Love by Sarah Beth Durst


reviewed by http://urbanfantasyinvestigations.blogspot.com/

Pearl is a typical vampire to start out with. She enjoyes blood, joyriding in stolen cars and being evil. One night after she finishes feeding on her favorite Ice cream scooper she is staked by a unicorn through the heart. She wakes up, no one really believes her. She starts getting little good thoughts that isnt normal for her and one night she is kidnapped and stuck in a cage by some amateur vampire hunters. She fears she is about to die as the sun comes up and realizes she is still there in the sun like no vampire is supposed to be able to do. That is the start of her troubles and journey to turning good.

I enjoyed Pearl from the beginning. I just love snarky, witty people, they make me happy. The book is full of humor and creativity. Everything about it was all around unique. Really who would have thought were-unicorns and Vampires would go so great together. Evan seems to be there from the beginning, he has a huge hero complex and strives to help people out which is totally the opposite of what Pearl stands for. You can tell from the start that there is some sort of connection between Evan and Pearl although they both seem to push it off as just being friendly. Even though Pearl's family were technically the "bad guys" I still enjoyed all the characters and their personalities. Pearl becomes an outcast because she can go into the sun but is still expected to provide the feast for the Vampire King. Her parents seem to believe in her but are also dark and mysterious and tend to be a little more scary then the rest of her family. DRINK, SLAY, LOVE had an all around great plot that kept me interested. I didn't see the twist coming but I liked how it all played out. Sarah wrote the book as a stand alone but I would totally love to read a second book. I think Pearl has a ton of story left in her.This is a great book for anyone that is looking for a paranormal YA comedy.