A review by kaybee435b2
Dance on Saturday: Stories by Elwin Cotman


(I received an advance reader copy of this book through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.) This is a great collection of speculative short fiction stories! Author Elwin Cotman has extraordinary gifts - an unbounded imagination, a fearless pen, and a personal capability to share both beautiful and terrible imagery. The six stories in this collection each have unique worlds (for me, best read and absorbed separately rather than in one sitting.) I loved the surprises and the slipstreams and the surreal elements - they seem to fit in with 'living in the weirds' of the summer of 2020 when the book will be published.

My favorite stories were 'Dance on Saturday' about a church with immortal congregants and life-extending fruit and 'Among the Zoologists' which is just crazy/profane/biological/dark/funny.

If you like the writing of Karen Russell, be sure to check out Elwin Cotman!

(My only negative - IMHO, not crazy about the cover art of the ARC that I gratefully received from LibraryThing Early Reviewers. Seems like there might another cover that could work, e.g. I would love to see an artist interpret that divine church of beautiful fruit.)