A review by berenikeasteria
Katherine by Anya Seton

Did not finish book.

I persisted with this book for as long as I did because it is so overwhelming rated highly and described as a “classic” of historical fiction. But I’m very much afraid I have to pull a DNF on this one. I just can’t stand to read any more of this novel. I’ll try and explain the good and the bad below, and why this book just didn’t work for me.

The Good:

Anya Seton has really done her research trying to get the historical setting as detailed and accurate as she can. The ins and outs of daily life in the late 14th century, the objects, attire, and the importance of religion and piety in peoples’ lives are all meticulously detailed and expanded upon. I appreciate the intention here, even if it didn’t quite come off – I’ll explain in a moment. I think it’s great that Seton wanted to create and authentic environment for her story, and it is obvious she put time and effort into that.

I’m genuinely wracking my brains for something else to put in this section. Um… it wasn’t as bad as the likes of Philippa Gregory, Jean Auel, Michelle Moran, et. al.? The characters aren’t butchered and Seton’s writing style is basically competent. I got nothing…

The Bad:

Seton takes her research too far. She describes the setting in too much detail, spending too much time describing minute details that are irrelevant to the story, and it gets to the point where it becomes too much. Cut this stuff out and the novel would be a lot more succinct and to the point. As it is it rather meanders.

Seton describes the window-dressing in too much detail but doesn’t describe the historical context in enough detail. Relevant events in the lives of the main characters, political upheaval, they’re just glossed over and not properly explained. Katherine, we’re told, takes no interest in political matters. She exists in a bubble of love and domestic bliss with John of Gaunt and doesn’t question what goes on outside that bubble. When John’s father is ailing and the heir to the throne is still a child, John takes an ever greater role in government, and faces opposition which keeps him occupied and stressed. Katherine sees this merely in terms of “he doesn’t love me any more because we don’t spend as much time together!”, whilst, when we do get inside John’s head, his hardline tactics with the populace are explained as “there was this boy once who told me I was a changeling and I must prove myself to everyone!” Really?! Serious matters of the time – with, undoubtedly, potential for epic drama in a novel – reduced to a grown man nursing a boo-boo and a woman whose life revolves around his love and attention? Urgh. I guess this is where the book is more of a romance novel than a historical fiction, but really I was expecting better.

Pseudo-medieval dialogue. The text is peppered with the likes of “Nay, sweeting” and “Ay, lovedy” and “What ho, my lord”. This doesn’t feel medieval, it feels like the 1950s trying way too hard to masquerade as medieval. It’s painful.

Flat characters. Minor characters often just walk on-stage and walk right off again without making an impact or serving merely as a deus ex machina to move things along. They’re stock characters – the prudent sister, the stubborn-yet-cheerful peasant serving woman, the protective puppy-dog squire, the grasping king’s mistress. John and Katherine are worse cases though. They just don’t feel like real people. I couldn’t see why these two characters fell in love at all. They think each other is good looking, and that seems to be pretty much it. That could work as a Katherine Swynford/John of Gaunt story, I think – two people falling into bed with each other, and slowly over time something more growing of it. But Seton seems to imply that this is an Epic Romance, and that just because they lust for each others’ bodies there’s some kind of Deep Connection going on, when there’s actually nothing to warrant it. Like any cheesy romance, John of Gaunt’s childhood boo-boo puts him into Punish Everyone mode, which creates a Big Misunderstanding and leads Katherine to think he doesn’t love her anymore. And, like any cheesy romance heroine, Katherine decides she’s going to Leave Unexpectedly Without Talking To Him. Did I mention how much I hate it when romance novels create false tension between their romantic leads by creating Big Misunderstandings that could be easily resolved if said characters would only talk to each other for ten minutes? It’s so dull being inside Katherine’s head too. Her thoughts consist of inconsequential observational narrative, and the Epic Love that she shares with John. She doesn’t seem to have a life outside of him. She has children and yet she hardly thinks about them, even when said children clearly express unhappiness with the current situation to her. We’re told she has no interest whatsoever in politics, and nothing else is shown as a topic or pastime she’s passionate about. Katherine also suffers from Purity Sue syndrome. She nurses John’s virtuous first wife in her final hours because she’s Just That Good. She’s beautiful, naïve, men fight over her, and she remains a passive inspiration to others, lacking in agency and interests outside of the romance. John’s groping her whilst still in mourning for his dead wife, and we’re often told that Dead Wife Would Have Wanted It This Way. Meanwhile, wife number two is Foaming At The Mouth Obsessed With Conquering Her Birthright and uninterested in John, other than in his capacity to achieve said Conquering and sire an heir for her. This is probably the biggest problem with the entire book. These people just don’t feel like complex human beings, they feel like awkward unsympathetic caricatures.

Too much preamble. The main plot of this novel is supposed to be the relationship between John of Gaunt and Katherine Swynford, right? So why does it take over 250 pages to get there?! I understand a certain amount of setting up – Seton wants to tell a little bit about Katherine’s origins, and how she was married and had children before she became John’s mistress and had children with him – but 50 or 100 pages surely ought to be the limit. It dragged far too much and the more so for knowing that as readers we’re waiting for the inevitable to happen.

I know my opinion is in the minority here, but I’ve had enough.

3 out of 10