A review by sc104906
Loved by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


It is a year after the Nerd Herd has saved the world from Neferet. Everyone has gone their separate ways, until Zoey is visited in a dream by Kalona. He warns that Neferet is stirring again and that she and her friends must stop it. Kalona leads Zoey to Neferet's journal, where they will find the ammunition to stop her. As the friends come back together to develop a plan, they learn that not everything has been going hunky-dory. Stevie Rae misses home, Damien's depression has begun to make a resurgence, and Aphrodite is cracking under the baggage her mother forced upon her. As all of the characters are battling their inner demons a horde of zombie vampires is unleashed upon their world. They will all need to face their challenges in order to be a true help with this new problem.

The characters are back! I missed this world and got sucked back in. However, this felt like a side-quest or a musical episode in a favorite long-running TV show. It didn't feel as developed as the first few HoN novels. This did feel like a love letter to the fans the Casts gave readers nearly everything they could have wanted, but I keep circling back to too much of a good thing.