A review by offbalance80
Me: Elton John Official Autobiography by Elton John


There's a popular parlor game/meme/conversation starter/whatever that talks about the celebrities, alive or dead, that you'd like to have to your house for a dinner party. Before I read this book, I'm not sure Elton would have made the list. Now that I have read this book? He's near the top of the list for life. He has amazing anecdotes about his life, things that I can't even believe he felt comfortable putting into print. He has other, even more amazing anecdotes about people in his life (and based on this book, Freddy Mercury is also forever on the list, as he sounds like an absolute scream). He's candid about his mistakes, his bad behaviors, and all of the things he's extremely proud of. Any memoir would do this, but the stories are relayed in such an incredibly engaging fashion that you just want him to keep going. (He does feel a bit more reluctant to share certain things about his current, happy, settled life with his husband and sons, but you can't fault him for that). This past week I've been in bed with a horrendous upper respiratory infection, but reading this made me feel as though a really funny friend dropped by to keep me company while I was miserably sick in bed. If you enjoyed Rocketman (the movie) or are just a fan, don't miss.