A review by just_jobie
Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World by Kathy Freston


I am very aware of where my food comes from and the mistreatment of animals in factory farms (this why I am a vegetarian) but this book opened my eyes even futher to how much eating a vegan diet would positively impact other parts of my life and support my ethical beliefs. I liked how Kathy really focused on the health benifits of eating a plant based diet verus focusing her argument on the mistreatmant of animals like so many other vegan arguments. By presenting both personal stories told by others and scientific studies she creates a solid foundation to help you understand the complexity of the issues. The chapter on animal rights is a hard read but I learned a lot and will always think about my where my food comes from. This is a good read for anybody who is interested in learning more about the power of plant based nutrition and how to buy food that supports ethical practices. I am planning on reading more of Kathy's books.