A review by pagesplotsandpints
The Bride Wore Size 12 by Meg Cabot


Full review originally posted
HERE on The Book Addict's Guide 10/4/13:
I've been a fan of Meg Cabot for YEARS now and entirely because of the Heather Wells series. This was one of the series that got me back into reading when I was in my reading slump so I owe my sister a big thanks for letting me borrow these books way back in the day! I actually don't read a lot of adult fiction anymore since I'm busy reading ALL THE YA BOOKS so it was really nice to fall back into some chick lit and a touch of mystery with the latest Heather Wells book.

While I haven't actually started my wedding planning yet, I felt like I could relate to Heather a little bit with her crazy wedding plans! (This may also be the point I realized that I might actually start to enjoy adult lit more than I used to because I've actually been through some LIFE THINGS now haha!) Heather always has a lot on her plate, but I love how much she really cares about the kids in her dorm. When everything else is going wrong, she's always got their best interests at heart, sometimes even over her own personal issues.

One thing I've always loved about Meg Cabot is the amount of humor in her books. Each chapter starts with a funny little collection of song lyrics, written by Heather, and in this book, they're all about her crazy wedding plans. I think it helps the reader not take the book too seriously because there are darker subjects because hi, it's a murder mystery -- Except you almost don't feel like classifying it as that because the tone IS so light. I definitely had another good group of laugh out loud moments at both characters and funny situations!

Then of course, there's Cooper. I am SO HAPPY for Heather Wells! I've been reading this series for YEARS so I'm so happy that she gets her dream guy (and he's dreamy too)! I've always loved their romance and their relationship is just so natural. Somehow I forgot how funny Cooper is too! I always felt like he was more serious... Which I guess he is, but he and Heather have some seriously hilarious conversations.

It's actually kind of hard to review this book because overall, it was just a nice, quick, and easy read. Sure, the plot was exciting and interesting but the Heather Wells series has just become a "fun" read for me and as much as Heather's personal life changes, it's the standard go-to mystery. It's definitely for a light reading kind of mood and if you're a fan of the series, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!