A review by loreadsk
Skinny Bitch: A No-Nonsense, Tough-Love Guide for Savvy Girls Who Want to Stop Eating Crap and Start Looking Fabulous! by Kim Barnouin, Rory Freedman


I originally picked this up thinking it was funny with some knowledgeable facts. I couldn't be more wrong. As a generally healthy person, I know a decent amount about nutrition. I also have those around me that have degrees in nutrition. This woman definitely doesn't know anything about healthy weight loss. To be blunt, the book lacked credibility.

I feel as though the book was more about the author's belief system than actual healthy advice.

It was basically a PSA for animal slaughterhouses and it enforced the notion that the only way you can lose weight is becoming a vegetarian or vegan. As the author would put it...Bullshit.

Which brings me to another point, the writing was poor. I don't know if she was trying to be funny, or condescending or just "dumb it down" by using "crap" or "bullshit", but it definitely didn't help with her credibility. It sounded like any teen with a blog could've written it.

A few things the author did get right: Eating fruit is good, drinking water is good, soda makes you fat (Sad, but true. Of course that means overtime.), low carb is "crap" and the Atkins diet is "crap". Those I feel anyone with common sense would know. Or as the author put it "Common sense, bitches". So yes, the book was not complete "crap", it did have a few valid points if you read between the lines.

"So now you are officially vegan, a person who doesn't eat any animal products. No meat, chicken, pork, fish, eggs, milk, cheese or butter. Feel great about it"

That was an actual passage from the book. I have nothing against being vegan or a vegetarian, but I do have a problem with the belief that they're the only "skinny bitches" out there. To be honest, I know very few vegans or vegetarians that are skinny AND healthy. Most I know will skip the aforementioned products but still eat junk food. Well, that just contradicts everything.

"Just continue to drink a lot of water, exercise, and eat right, shitheads".

Another passage, and although I could do without the "shitheads" remark, when the author condenses it down to that, she gets it right. Without the long graphic remarks of animal slaughterhouse cruelty and rants on how the government is lying and poisoning us, the author has a few valid points.

Another thing that annoyed me about this book was the notion that skinny= pretty and vise versa. That is just not how life works, and its sad that this is marketed in our society. Losing weight will not magically make you pretty, just like becoming a vegan or vegetarian does not magically make you healthy.

Well,this review has turned into an almost incoherent rant, so to summarize my thoughts I did not like this book. I do not recommend it to anyone, especially those who will believe everything without checking the facts. This book thoroughly annoyed me.