A review by gwensreading
Fix Her Up by Julia Wolf


I received an ARC from the author and I'm happy to post my honest review.

I seriously love Julia Wolf. I am legitimately excited whenever I get to read one of her books. Pixie Cut is no exception.

This is Laurel's book and we start with her leaving a pretty bad situation at her job and starting fresh at Alex's company (he dated Eliza briefly). There were hints of something going down with Laurel in previous books and I really couldn't wait to know what actually happened. Since she was starting a new job she decided to stop by our favorite hair salon. All of the gang was busy so she saw the new stylist Avi. He was bossy, honest to a fault, and invited himself to be her roommate.

I'm pretty sure Avi is my new favorite, knocking Joe down from his pedestal. Avi is from Israel and recently broke up with his long time girlfriend. He wants to move into Laurel's house to help her fix it up but also to get a little separation from his ex and their large families.

I loved that Avi didn't hold anything back. He decided he liked Laurel and went for it. He was a dirty talker and pursued what he wanted. Laurel tried to hold herself back because of the poor choices she made but ultimately was swept off her feet.

I think I would love to be friends with Laurel. She is so real and loyal and a wonderful friend. She bakes and cooks for people to share her love. That kind of love language appeals to me.

And the epilogue!! I can't even. I was so excited to read what everyone was up to and reminiscing. All in all, this is a home run from Ms. Wolf and I can't wait to read more of her work.