A review by tansreads
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World by David Epstein

informative slow-paced


A really good message and overall points but personally have a hard time reading anecdotes after anecdotes, so definitely mostly skim read…

Some good quotes:

“It is an experiment, as all life is an experiment”  

“Don’t feel behind”  

“because even as more subjects were added, most perceived themselves as dark horses who followed what seemed like an unlikely path.* 
Dark horses were on the hunt for match quality. "They never look around and say, 'Oh, I'm going to fall behind, these people started earlier and have more than me at a younger age,'" Ogas told me. "They focused on, 'Here's who I am at the moment, here are my motivations, here's what I've found I like to do, here's what I'd like to learn, and here are the opportunities. Which of these is the best match right now? And maybe a year from now I'll switch because I'll find something better." Each dark horse had a novel journey, but a common strategy. "Short-term planning," Ogas told me. "They all practice it, not long-term planning." Even people who look like consummate long-term visionaries from afar usually looked like short-term planners up close.”