A review by arrowsartsandbooks
The Way I Am Now by Amber Smith


Pros: This book has an accurate representation of PTSD. Eden is traumatizes and experiences flashbacks, anxiety, panic attack, and other symptoms of PTSD. I appreciated how a fair amount of this book was dedicated to describe the long-lasting effects of trauma.

Cons: Josh and Eden's relationship is built off of miscommunication, lies, and broken trust, which is shown in the first book when Eden lies about her age. In this book, Eden is 17 and Josh is 20/21. Josh is well away of her age now and should know better than to be dating and having a sexual relationship child. I don't know exactly where this story takes place, but where I live, this is statutory rape. Eden is very immature and that is proven around the 80% mark of the book.
Spoiler She stops taking her birth control because she ran out and is too lazy to refill her prescription. She then has unprotected sex with Josh without telling him that she stopped taking birth control. Then she acts like it's not a big deal and that Josh is overreacting.
This pissed me off so much. I also wish this book had focused more on the trial than their relationship. Parts of the trial were rushed through, especially the ending. I cannot, in good faith, recommend this book.