A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Violet & Claire by Francesca Lia Block


This book is like a dream.

There's a very mystical quality when reading it. The scenes meld into one another, which can be quite disjointing when reading it initially. Pages need to be re-read and at points, nothing is quite clear. The book is very short, however, (easily read in under an hour), and so it isn't quite difficult.

The love between Violet and Claire transcends sexuality, and Violet never makes any attempt to clarify their relationship. Claire relies more on Violet, that much is true, but in many ways, she opens Violet up and makes her recognise her innocence, her youth, her vulnerability. In many ways, Violet makes Claire stronger, but Claire doesn't quite reach it.

The Hollywood side to it baffled me a little, admittedly, and it didn't seem to fit in with the rest of the novel. I think it would have been easier if Violet had fallen in with a bad crowd (such as at the club she visits) than going straight to Hollywood.