A review by jellichor
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides


" Edward Fosca is a murderer. Of this Mariana is certain. But Fosca is untouchable. A charismatic Greek Tragedy professor at Cambridge University, Fosca is adored by staff and students alike. Particularly by the members of a secret society of female students known as The Maidens.

Mariana Andros is a brilliant but troubled group therapist who becomes fixated when one of The Maidens, a friend of Mariana's niece Zoe, is found murdered."

I didn't enjoy this book as much as I'd hoped, but I am not sure it's the book's fault? I felt the same about The Silent Patient too - I think with all the hype my expectations were simply too high? I saw the twist coming in The Silent Patient but it was still a good one - I'm not sure I'd say the same for the twists in The Maidens. The book is well written and it didn't take me too long to get through but I won't say much more incase of spoilers. I will say though that the premise of this book made me very hopeful, it sounded intriguing with the Greek Tragedy references and the idea of a secret society... but I didn't end up connecting or liking any of the characters and only finished the book to find out the answers to all the questions - some of which were a bit random and disjointed. The basis of the story has a lot of potential I feel, but ultimately, I personally feel it doesn't quite get there.