A review by jerseygrrrl
The Last Passenger by Manel Loureiro, Andres Alfaro


Ugh. How did this book get so bad so fast?

It started out promising. It had a recently widowed journalist in the throes of grief is becomes wrapped up in a fantastic mystery. In 1939, a Nazi ship was found adrift at sea. A hot meal waited on the dining room tables and Jewish baby rested in the middle of the ballroom floor. Besides the baby, there were no other people. The crew and passengers were never seen again. That's a good enough beginning.

Then it all went wrong. The heroine turned out to be completely useless. The only other female character was a one-dimensional, predatory lesbian. And the ghost of the journalist's dead husband had to come save the day many times over since the heroine couldn't seem to save herself. Oh yes, and the Big Bad hunting the ship turned out to be created by a Jew. So, is all the Jew's fault. Brilliant... trainwreck.