A review by cobycoyle
Rapture by Lauren Kate


My notes on the FOURTH book (ugh)

- “That Lucifer had once been something else to her” huh???? Where tf was that implied or said in the last book?? What???
- Callie just accepts Luce’s lack of explanation for all the crazy shit she witnessed. If I were her I’d be pissssed. Not about her not saying anything in first place, but that she wouldn’t explain now.
- “Good luck and wingspeed” lmao stoooppp.
- Blah blah sit there and have Luce thinking about her past lives in a long unneeded filler recap blah blah.
- This conversation between her and Daniel as they fly to Venice is the most conversation they’ve ever had.
- Luce finally asks smart questions like “why were there angels that didn’t side with heaven” and doesn’t get a fricking answer from Daniel, he just changes the subject. Asshole. And then she lets it happen and goes to sleep instead of continuing to ask.
- Ah, Daniel can make Luce magically swim into deep sea and breathe air into her lungs underwater by making out. Makes sense (/s)
- Aspartame is medicine for angels LMAO
- “If you tell yourself you’re not hungry and tired and cold you wont be” shut the F*** UP
- “Do I need to ease up on the psychedelics or did LP just recall one of her past lives unprompted at the most crucial juncture ever?” Arriane stole my critique.
- Lol “she’s mortal but she can live for hundreds of years” that makes NO sense. Then she can’t be mortal, idc how Godly she is.
- What is this dialogue between Dee and Sophia? It’s so *cringey*
- Luce has weird dream of her flying herself. She’s not a mortal. She couldn’t be after all this and her mysterious “origin” that we still dont know and her past lives and shit.
- You’re telling me Daniel could shrink Lucinda’s luggage and Roland can create fire at will but none of them could shield from the dust storm or give Luce water before Dee did? Or move the rocks? I’m not saying magic has to be logical but ffs

So I kind of started skimming because some of this is just so boring and drawn out…even the battles or deaths aren’t really exciting.

And then more reading than skimming:
- Wtf is this shit of her reciting her past lives and talking about their love again for the thousandth time.
- Kicking myself for not realizing Lucifer and Lucinda…their names…like, duh. Sigh.
- This ending was really dumb. Dont know what I’d have in place of it so not much room to talk, but still dumb.

Don’t think I’m gonna force myself to read 5 now that this arc settled.