A review by novelheartbeat
Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick


From my blog Auntie Spinelli Reads


This is the third time I've read this book. I read it the first time and loved it, then read it a second time so I could be refreshed before reading Crescendo. It is SO hard to review re-reads because when you already know what happens it's difficult to be objective. There is no shock or surprise in the twists.
I'm not real big on angel books, but this one is an exception for me. I have yet to find an angel book that compares to it.

Nora is a solid lead. She's not particularly impressive, but she knows right from wrong and she's a great friend. She's pretty average. Not badass, but not too weak.
Patch. Ohh, Patch. Infuriating, incorrigible, arrogant asshat. I loved him! Haha. Sure, he was a rather creepy at times. And a bit domineering. Ok, and maybe his motives were questionable. But there were reasons for acting the way he did, and when it came down to it, he was there for Nora when she needed him.

"If I hadn't fallen, I wouldn't have met you."

The romance was wonderful because it moved fairly slow. Even though Patch is sexy, Nora fought his advances and gave him the cold shoulder at first. I love that there was no instalove (unlike some others where the girl is like, 'Ohhh you're so sexy, I love you, have my babies!!!' in the first week. Ugh).
I also loved Vee. She's funny and quirky, and I would love to have her as a friend in real life. Her color 'diet' cracked me up! She had her idiotic moments, but all in all she was a great best friend for Nora.

The plot was fabulous. There are scary things happening, and Nora can't pinpoint where - or who - they're coming from. You don't know who to trust, and it's hard to tell the bad guys from the good guys. Then there's this lovely twist at the end that (the first time I read it, anyway) I never saw coming. It's brilliant!

I love the ending. Nora's choice, and Patch's....ahhh! ♥

Plot: 5/5
Writing style: 4/5
Originality: 5/5
Characters: 4/5
World-building: 4.5/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 4.5/5