A review by inwonderland49
Wallbanger by Alice Clayton


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

**Disclaimer: This is an Adult story and should be read by mature audiences only. I'd say ages 17+**

My Thoughts

This was an entertaining read. I enjoyed Caroline's story about her moving into a new apartment (still without her "O") and meeting the wallbanging manwhore who lived next door and made one woman literally purr as she climaxed. And, yes, I have a slight crush on Simon the Wallbanger. He just sounds so delicious. :D

There were a few things that irked me with the book which made me knock it down a star. There was a time where Caroline and Simon finally get together and Caroline finally has her "O" back in session, they do it like 6 or 7 times in like a 15 hour time frame. And I don't know about you, but I don't think I'd be able to go that many times. And at this part, I just felt like I was reading the same thing over and over, page after page. So, it actually kind of bored me at a point during the sex scenes here. The second thing that irked me was that the very last chapter was from the cat's POV, and I just found that super weird!

All-in-all, though, I will definitely be continuing on in this series and reading more about Caroline and Simon's adventures together! If you're in the mood for some good ole romance fluff with humor in it, I'd give this one a try! It's definitely entertaining, to say the least!