A review by lt_tara
Dr. NEURO by Max Monroe


4.5 stars

To be completely honest I was the most excited for Nick's story because we got a glimpse at him in Winnie's book and he was the character to dislike. Nick didn't always have it easy with Winnie and Lex but this book redeemed him and showed the true nature of his character and how wonderful he actually is.

Will's book was pretty good, Scott's wasn't my favorite by any means but Nick's book really stepped up the game and I enjoyed it the most. This book was so entertaining and refreshing, with the most lovable characters and a twist I absolutely did not see coming. It was very surprising and I loved that, there isn't much I miss in rom coms but I really liked where this story went.

Charlotte was a breath of fresh air for me. She was such an enthusiastic, loving and funny person. I adored that she was the one to inniciate the relationship and that she was basically just a normal, a bit crazy girl with a sharp mind and a big heart.
The nickname Char though was not it. I really had to bite my way through that one, idk it just bothered me a lot.

Nick was a sweetheart. He was such a genuine person and he was just trying to be there for his daughter and make up for his mistakes. I admired how he took full responsibility for his actions and he was just trying so hard to be a good dad. I wish we could have seen more of his relationship with Lexi because I adore that girl more than anybody else.
Nick was a very rational person and I really liked how he was able to keep his cool when it came to the conflict. He was reasonable and smart and also very charming and funny. He was loving and caring and I liked him the most out of the other guys in the series.

The relationship felt so real and natural. I really loved the progression of their feelings, they didn't jump into bed after one encounter and they built a solid foundation for their relationship. I loved how Nick was more reserved and Charlotte more outgoing, they complimented each other so well and I loved them together.
A huge plus in my book was how well they handled the whole conflict. They were so mature and understanding about it. They knew what the priorities were and didn't make it a big drama moment. I do feel though that they could have confronted Winnie and Remy and just get over it sooner but I didn't find anything wrong with how it actually went down.

I really enjoyed the twist this book took. I wasn't expecting Charlotte to be Remy's ex and it really surprised me but in a good way because I was so excited and curious to see the outcome of the situation. I also liked how easily they resolved it because afterall it wasn't such a big deal.

The end was absolutely adorable, I just wish we got more time with Lexi, Nick and Charlotte as a family.
The elderly couple in Charlotte's house was such a great addition to the story. They were precious and so cute.

Overall I really have to say this one was the best. I loved every character, the plot was interesting and easy to enjoy, the story was quick to read and it flowed so well. I'm happy that I read it for sure.