A review by lattes_lipstick_literature
Haunted by A. K. Alexander, Sara Dobie Bauer, Clint Collins


*This book was given to me by Netgalley for an honest and unbiased review*

I know this probably isn't the time to read horror, or maybe it is, either way, an anthology was a way to go. The reason why I love reading anthologies so much is that because they are short stories within one book, I don't feel pressured to have to continue reading or I don't feel guilty for DNFing a story in an anthology. During times that I have trouble reading or find myself short of reading time, I typically aim for anthologies for this reason. This anthology has a mix of genres that have one thing in common each story has a female ghost as it's center. This was an interesting concept, and I was so glad that I read this book. Each story was so vastly different from the others, I was expecting horror cliches and lots of scary moments. While some stories had this, other stories had Love and Comedy.

My absolute favorite story was Abeyance by Relynn Vaughn. Its perspective was that of Lisa who died and it skips back in forth in time during her death to show how she is handling the changes that Alan (her husband) is going through. It's very interesting because the story shows both Alan and Lisa's grieving and how a ghost could feel should the person they love moves on. There are also other dynamics in the story that I do not want to give away that also made this story my favorite. There was surprisingly not a single story in this anthology that I skipped and I enjoyed the book from start to finish.