A review by emilyhei
For Everly by Raine Thomas


Everly Wallace has done everything she can to move past her traumatic past, she is beginning to see the light at the beginning of the tunnel when she is introduced to major league pitcher Cole Parker. Cole has an injury to his shoulder but because it is a contract year, he doesn't want anyone to find out. Everly will soon get her degree in physical therapy and highly recommended by his brother, despite the awareness he feels when he is around her he hires her.

Everything he thought about Everly is thrown out the window, when he begins to see the relaxed version of Everly he is sunk. For the first time since high school, Cole feels out of his zone, but the same goes for Everly and Cole wants to ensure that everything he does with Everly is right.

I loved this one, it was warm, humorous, and romantic. Cole is a charmer, he acts like an idiot sometimes but he makes up for it in a remarkable way. I am eager to read more books from this author, I was completely swept off my feet with For Everly.