A review by gsroney
Everything Is Awful and You're a Terrible Person by Daniel Zomparelli


“‘You never told your mom you're gay?’
‘Why not?’
‘She was so sick, and the doctors said she
couldn't handle much shock. Her heart was so bad.
I couldn't tell her. I was afraid that if I told her, it
would break her heart, and I'd be the last person to
break it.’
‘Oh, Daniel."
‘It feels like all we ever do in this world is
break each others' hearts.’"

“I ask him if he is happy, and he says he's not sure. He asks me if I am happy, and I say I'm not sure—I don't really know if I've been the ‘happy’ everyone means when they say the word. I know I've felt joy, and I've felt many moments of joy chained together to form happiness.”

This is not a collection for everyone. The writing style feels simplistic, but that adds to the sardonic and feckless tone that is pervasive through all of the stories. While darkly funny, each story deals with the complexities of gay hookups and relationships, insecurities, overwhelming anxiety, and ultimately a fear of happiness, or at least a lack of understanding of how to be happy.