A review by thatreadingaddiction
The Dark Cave Between My Ribs by Loren Kleinman


Rating: 3.5/5

I received a free copy from the author, Loren Kleinman, in exchange for an honest review.

The Dark Cave Between My Ribs is a truly great collection of poems. One reason is that the poems are so relatable. Another reason is that the poems have an authentic voice. This poetry is deep, but really great. Kleinman show us-through the poems-what love and loss truly is.

“Remembering My Grandmother”
“Everything is cared for.
Everything in its place.”

“At Fifteen”
I wanted to break in half.
Fold like heaven and hell.
I was at war with myself.”

“At Seventeen”
I’m not powerless.
I’m just caught
In the wreckage of my age.”