A review by theebookling
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

Did not finish book. Stopped at 88%.
Overall this book was well written, I just think it had a lot of wasted potential. The cover, title and synopsis is the perfect trio to intrigue readers but once you dive in, it starts to feel a bit lackluster.

First story was unrealistic with character development and pacing, most notably with how the characters communicated. It had a good start but you get whiplash with how sudden the momentum changes. I think this story definitely had potential and would have made a great standalone novel, allowing the opportunity to expand on the characters and their motivations. The ending left me very confused and I think it was more about shock value here.

Second story was very predictable. There is subtle commentary on religion and the devout here, and I must say I was very curious about the world/current news setup in the first chapter but it unfortunately takes a backseat as we follow a married couple and their trauma. The wife is religious while the husband is what we would say agnostic given the context lol but the story doesn't really do anything different here. Her character development and even the plot was very predictable
Spoiler(was she being punished for being too devout or wanting to be a mother)
but I was expecting it, begging even, to go somewhere else.  Somewhere more spooky. I also can't shake the feeling that I've read something very similar already? 

Unfortunately, while I hoped for better this was a DNF for me. 

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