A review by ebc_readsmut
Stolen Nights by Rebecca Maizel


It's amazing how much a book can make you emotional, pulling at your heart and even your own inner most fears. Even though you know the story isn't real and the characters don't exhaust you can't help but laugh and cry and mourn for them. In my opinion a book that does not evoke some sort of emotion does not serve its purpose. I am so glad I picked up this book and continued to read it after reading the first book, Infinite Time. The writing was beautiful and I found myself wanting to reach out to all of the characters to console them and help them. I also kept jumping back and forth between the two main loves in Lenah's life, Rhode and Justin, debating which one I wanted to be with her in the end. Throughout the book I experienced hope, pain, anxiety, love, longing, grief, and sadness. I cried a few times through the book. Only to find myself a mascara streaked sobbing mess towards the end. Sometimes reading a book you can guess the end before it comes but knowing how the character gets to the end is more important. This book definitely threw me through a loop, several actually, every time I thought I figured it out. It was a bittersweet ending. I will be anxiously awaiting the third book of this series!
One thing that I just can't stop thinking about is Lenah's longing to just be forgiven for all the pain and suffering she has brought upon people. Her courage and braveness to set all her loved ones free from pain that she or others have caused was truly inspiring. She would rather them be free to live their life how they choose even if it meant not existing in their lives anymore, leaving her one true soulmate behind. All the while being stuck with the memories of her past life, remembering all of their faces, even though they would not remember anything. If that doesn't make you feel alive and emotional then I don't know what would.