A review by red_sky
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto


It was a 'big sad' kinda day. So Patrick took me to Second and Charles were we browsed around like we usually did we I saw this book. I was familiar with the case but only vaguely. I don't usually choose non fiction but psychology is one of my favorite subjects. I had to get it, and even better is was only $3!

David was so strong and it's so unfortunate he had to go through what he did.
John Money is a disgusting human being who only cares about himself and proving himself right at any cost.
He should be in jail not only for advocating for thousands of surgeries on children when he knew it was wrong, but more so for what he did to them in their follow up meetings.

I think my mouth actually fell open when it was revealed that Money had written the paper with information contradicting everything he would later say. It's unfortunate that no one was able to get a hold of it from Stanfords records sooner, and potentially save many children.

The only thing I didn't enjoy was how every time a new person was introduced it went in depth how they didn't think Brenda acted like a girl with the exact same description and repeatative formula. I understand that it's what they really thought and it's important to the story however I just thought it was redundant.

Closing statements: F*** you John Money you piece of human filth. 'Nuff said.