A review by tyrshand
Kangaroo Too by Curtis C. Chen


First off, since I read this for this list thing I'm a part of, I've got to say that I didn't read book one. Luckily, this one works perfectly fine as a standalone story. I definitely want to get back and read book one when I've got more free time, though!

Now, the book was just so much fun. Kangaroo is pretty much like James Bond from the more gadgety movies, though he's much more dorky than suave -- and that's great. He's relatable and entertaining and manages to get the job done -- cleverly, even though he seems like the kind of character that would have to rely on coincidence and luck. It makes for such a better story that his goofiness doesn't interfere with his training.

I'd say I saw the big plot twist coming a long way off, but that's fine. It didn't make the novel any less enjoyable. And the publisher wouldn't have added those non-story clues in if they weren't trying to get us there.

The novel also gives us a lot to look forward to. I'll eagerly be awaiting the next book in the series.