A review by mells_view
Saints and Savages by A.C. Bextor


Pretty dang good.

This is continuation of the mafia story from book one, and told more heavily from a different POV of the story that was going on. In this book the War that was going on between the families has died down and they are at an awkward peace.

That is until two people who don't really know how connected they are come together. It puts ideas of power into on mafia leaders head, and he starts up with some sneaky planning to cause some drama in the mafia world.

I don't really want to ruin anything so I won't detail who is who, but what I will say that this story is more about the connections and resolving the side plots from book one, but from a different POV. Yes, there is a love story, but it isn't all about that.

My only complaint is there may have been too many POV's in this one. It made it hard to connect to anyone, because it was jumping around pretty often. If you can enjoy a story without feeling a super deep connection with the characters then you will still enjoy this one. It's exciting and full of twists you don't see coming!

Can't wait to see what comes next!