A review by charshorrorcorner
A Mixed Bag of Blood by David Bernstein, Kristopher Rufty


3.5 stars!

David Bernstein has written a surprising number of stories for such a young man. (At least, he looks young.) I have enjoyed all that I've read so far, and this book is no exception.

This is a short collection, so it didn't take me long to make my way through. I liked the fact that the tales all varied wildly from one to the next; I never knew in what direction a story would take me.

My favorites have to be:

The Booglin: That's no ordinary booger stuck up there.

Invasion: And that's no ordinary cockroach that kid just picked up.

Bad Cutlery: It would be so nice to blame my failed meals on bad cutlery. Unfortunately, this knife does much worse than destroy meals.

STD: A lot of the stories in Mixed Bag of Blood had a serious EWWW factor, but I believe this one was the EWWWIEST. Of course, I was laughing my butt off while reading it.

Overall, this collection was above average. I read, and have read, a LOT of story collections over the years, and as such, it takes a LOT to impress me in the short fiction department. The tales I mentioned above were excellent, but not quite enough to bring this up to a 4 or 5 star rating for me. However, if what I've written above sounds interesting to you, then I recommend giving this collection a shot, because your mileage may vary.

Recommended to those with strong stomachs who are also fans of short horror stories!

*Thanks to Sinister Grin for providing me with a free e-copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. This is it!*