A review by elisweets
Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation by Silver RavenWolf

Did not finish book. Stopped at 25%.
This book is so obviously written by a white woman who at her truest form is a colonizer who appropriates from spiritual beliefs and cultural practices and shoves her white influence in them. 
A friend recommended this book so highly and I was so excited but she wrote a section about “POW WOWS?!” like cOME ON!!! We gotta do better as white people to realize when we are overstepping.

Besides that as I was reading and eventually skimming and skipping forward to sections I thought maybe would be better, a lot of this information is also just wrong. Like not factual at all. In fact a lie. It’s sad that this is marketed to teens/young adults, but the education being presented isn’t only based in white supremacy (wicca) but also just wrong. Sorry.