A review by damsorrow
Punk House: Interiors in Anarchy by Abby Banks


The long version: Fuck this fucking book. There was an incredible opportunity here to talk about the activism of punk houses, how they're run, how to run one, chronicle past and present "alternative living collectives," mention/analyze significant ones such as fort thunder or something like c-squat, the content of who lives in these houses and why, etc. etc. Abby Banks seems to have politely declined and instead chose to make something real boring. There is very little text--no communication as to what goes on in these houses, what makes them punk, or anything else beyond "Look how filthy this toilet is!" "Look at all these show flyers on the wall!" "Look at how they store all their records!"

"But Lola," you ask. "This is a photo book, it doesn't need lots of text." Okay, fair. But the photos are flat. They are seriously uninteresting. Oh, and Banks didn't even get rid of the JPEG distortion on some of these shots. Embarrassing!

The short version: Excuse me, sir, I don't mean to be rude about what you choose to read, but I'd like to point out that URBAN OUTFITTERS gave this book a five starred review.