A review by madwonder
My Soul to Take by Rachel Vincent


For once, something that isn't about your normal everyday supernatural and paranormal spooks. I enjoyed this book to an extent. There were too many things in this book that I predicted really early on and I'm not a big fan of knowing before hand. I like reading something that throws a few shocks your way. There weren't any in this for me. The characters are pretty decent and its always nice to throw in a bit of a love story. It is however lacking the romance and tension that I normally enjoy. Kaylee and Nash didn't seem to waste any time before they were considered a couple. 5 minutes after eyes locking, all of a sudden feelings emerged. I like them together but I would have liked a bit more time and for them to get to know about each other before that happened. It's worth the read but I am hoping there are some more intriguing developments in the next books.